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Best Workouts for Football Players: Develop Core Strength and Agility

Football is a type of sporting activity that calls for application of strength and also teamwork, endurance and speed. In this pathological sport, football players require a productive warm-up regime which targets the characteristic strength, extended fitness, and flexibility. For football players to stay fit and to be able to prevent injuries when conducting training, he needs a good workout program. Sportzz World does know the need for variety in workouts and has collected the best workouts for the footballers to strengthen their core muscles and become more agile.

TheraBand® based exercises recommended for football players are presented below

Lumbar stability and balance are considered the center of any football player’s performance, while explosive force acts as a base for any football player. Below, Sportzz World draws a list of some of the most efficient core stabilizing movements that footballers should consider in their fashioned workout routines.

a) Planks

The plank is one of the most basic exercises that work on the core and trigger several muscles at the same time. When conducting a plank, place the palms of your hands on the ground and assume the position to conduct a pushup, bend your elbows and place your weight on the forearms. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, align the body, engage your stomach muscles and maintain this posture as long as possible. The plank can be performed for different amounts of time depending on the level of strength achieved and it is recommended to start with shorter periods and then gradually add more time to the plank.

b) Russian Twists

The Russian twist is one of the challenging exercises that focuses on the muscles of the oblique and strengthening the core muscles. To perform this exercise you should sit on the floor keeping the knees folded and the feet placed on the floor with the back free from any curvature. Take a dumbbell or a medicine ball in your hands, bend at the hips slightly and shuffle from the right to left side. It is preferred that this exercise is done slowly and deliberately.

c) Bicycle Crunches

This crunch involves the use of the bike peddle and it’s an advanced exercise that helps in strengthening the core muscles and also help in the coordination of upper and lower abdominal muscles. To perform this exercise, lay flat on your back, flex your knees and place your hands on the back of your head. Lift your upper body and at the same time bend your left knee towards your chest, twist to the left side. Try this motion for both legs and then the lower continue to pedal like cycling.

Footballer’s Flexibility Training

Swiftness is an important element of football as the players need to move fast both forward, backward, sideways etc. To help its readers, Sportzz World has listed out the agility exercises most effective for football players to help enhance their form on the playing arena.

a) Ladder Drills

Ladder drills are essential fun and effective in increasing the agility, coordination, and rate of speed pertaining to the feet. An agility ladder is placed on the ground in different formations which the player needs to cross through. These feet should be placed inside the squares at a pace along the ladder as the player speeds up. It is advisable to start with basic structures and gradually move up in order to enhance ability in leaping.

b) Cone Drills

As another techniques of agility training cone drills is also important where the lateral speed and direction altering ability of the players is tested. Place the cones in an area and do different drills as zigzag runs, altering of crossovers, and lateral shuffles. Different cone drills enable football players to achieve their integrated agility training goals.

c) Bounding

Bounding is a form of explosive lower body and it is used to increase horizontal and vertical jump accomplishment, therefore increases the agility level. Bounding can be done as follows; start with assuming an athletic stance and then use one of the legs to make a large step forward and jump at the same time bringing the other leg in advance. Perform these exercises, swapping the legs and try whether the height will increase with each jump.


Football players must ensure their health so that they can perform the best on the field. ISOLATED CORE Strengthening and agility exercises into the training regime of football can enhance their performance, Static and dynamic stability and minimize on the possibility of injuries among the players. Sportzz World comprises the best fitness routines for footballers to build their midsection stability and flexibility thus attaining the best fitness models inside as well as outside the pitch. So, prepare yourself to move up a notch and become the fierce football player with the help of these effective exercises and daily workouts.

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